Band in the Wind Trilogy
“A trilogy that is as staggering as it is entertaining.”
- James J. Spina (Editor of 20/20 magazine and contributor to Rolling Stone, Hit Parader, Creem, and Mojo)
Band in the Wind
"This book is an almost perfect blend of music, nostalgia, a coming-of-age story...and tragedy! It really does have a bit of everything. Highly entertaining." - Online Book Review (4/4 stars)
“Rostron manages to capture the mood of this tumultuous time—a feat that takes
skill, a great memory, and the ability to put emotion into words.” - Writers Digest Awards
“This tale told by Rostron succeeds...massively. It is a story told with dollops of nitty and gritty, but also some blasts and burns that will thrill you as powerfully as a power chord—a giant power chord, amped up with the emotions of friendship, cruelty, hate, revenge, and love.” - James J. Spina
“This book is a must-read for book-lovers hoping to experience the lost, yet somehow lingering, days of 1960s American culture." Michael L. Burduck, - Professor of English - Tennessee Tech University
“This book just gets it right. The author knows his music and knows how to use it to set the tone.” - DSPIN - formerly of MTV
Sound of Redemption
"Sound of Redemption hits all the right notes, ringing true to the feel of Band in the Wind. Rostron’s quirky sense of humor, reflected in the dialogue between characters, lightened the mood of an otherwise serious story. His writing remains addictive, with great emotional engagement for the reader. This novel is a tense, moving, character-driven story exploring one man’s mission to atone for the wrongs of his past.” –Online Book Club (4/4 stars)
Brotherhood of Forever
“While you are in for a treat with Band in the Wind and Sound of Redemption, it is Brotherhood of Forever that wins the prize. Rostron is the master when it comes to portraying the tone and temper of a generational trek.” – James J. Spina
“Rostron's Brotherhood of Forever, the third book of the Band in the Wind trilogy, masterfully rounds out his characters' lives in poignant, convincing, inspiring, and triumphant fashion.” Michael L. Burduck , Tennessee Tech University
And More. . .
“These are a deeply moving, suspenseful, and yet mesmerizing books. Give them a try, They will grab your attention and suck you in from page one.” ONLINE BOOK CLUB REVIEW #2 – 4/4 stars
“These books are so well written, it felt like my grandfather was telling me his life’s story and I had tears in my eyes on several occasions.” –ONLINE BOOK CLUB REVIEW - #3 – 4/4 Stars
These stories showcase the author's talent as a successful writer. He shows his ability to create characters, and storylines that are the page-turning types. You know the feeling you get when you can’t wait to see what happens next? That, for me, is well delivered in these books. - ONLINE BOOK CLUB REVIEW #4
“Rostron’s beautifully-crafted sentences, as well as his mastery of plot, characterization, and structure, help make these books a must-read for book-lovers hoping to experience the lost, yet somehow lingering, days of 1960s American culture."
Michael L. Burduck, - Professor of English - Tennessee Tech University
These novels really rock! Rostron brilliantly evokes the time (The 60s), the place (Cambria Heights, Queens, NY) and most importantly the music. Most novels about Rock'n'Roll are filled with clichés that just ring hollow, but these books just get it right. The author really knows his music and really knows how to use it to set the tone. – DSPIN - formerly of MTV_Amazon 5/5 _______________________________________________________________________